What an experience my tech class has been for me!  I have to admit that I entered this course computer/technology illiterate.  Most of the tools I've learned here are all new to me.  I remember the first day of class when our instructor, Jane, told the class how digital medias can enrich our curriculum and connect us with people and resources we never thought possible in the past.  I also remember thinking, "Yeah, sure.  As long as you know how to use the tools." 

The tech class has been a big learning curve for me.  Those first couple of weeks felt like I was thrown into deep waters and I don't know how to swim (no, really, I don't)!  But I have to say that these last 3 weeks, everything seems to have fallen into place.  I really enjoy blogging, del.icio.us is a life-saver, and well, the other tools, they are just plain cool.