BLOGS (4 clicks)

I never pictured myself as a blogger.  Have you ever seen that Twix commercial where the guy is trying to hook up with the girl who likes to blog?  Well, I used to make fun of the girl in that commercial, and now I am her.  As I started blogging these last few weeks, I have felt more connected to the authors of the blogs I go to more than I ever imagined I would.  What fantastic tools blogs are connecting us with other people who share our ideals on education and life.  I have had rich discussions regarding history and technology, mathematics, curriculum, and education in general with my classmates.  The first time that I received a comment from someone outside of my class, I thought, "Wow.  I never thought that I would feel so comfortable sharing my thoughts and having converssations with a stranger."  It is amazing how blogs allow us to connect and communicate with others out there. 

 I realize now that blogs are a great way for me to stay connected with my teacher friends whom I met while I lived in Vancouver, WA, to stay connected to my classmates and colleagues, and connected to teachers who have inspired me.  You can also leave a link to your website or blog when you comment on someone else's blog.  That way, other people who follow the same blog as  Blogging is an amazing networking tool.  Check out my blog at Hai's Math Education Blog!  You can also see some of my favorite education blogs that I follow by checking out my blogroll or at Technorati.  I keep track of my favorite blogs through iGoogle by subscribing to the RSS feed of the blogsites.  Here's an image of how it looks:  

I will be keeping up with my favorite blogs even when my tech class is over.  It's much more interesting to read than the latest celebrity gossip.