Social bookmarking has been one of the most useful tools that I've learned.  How many times have you been somewhere away from home and needed to access a website that you had bookmarked on your home computer?  Yeah, been there, done that.  Well, social bookmarking sites such as allow people to bookmark their favorite websites and access them from any computer (with internet access).  This became a life-saver when my group members in my physics class all wanted to search the web for science project ideas.  Well sure, we could all bookmark a dozen pages of interest but how were we going to see each other's favorites? allow people to not only access their favorites, but also view those of other's by creating a network.  If you are looking for some great sites about science projects, you can add my bookmarks to your network by searching my username on "hvevans".  You can also check out those in my network by clicking on the "Networks" tab and see what they have bookmarked!